Wensdy Whitehead

Biography: A folder since age 4, Wensdy Whitehead was born on June 24, 1971, and lived until May 7, 2023.  As a Cornell University graduate, she was raised in Michigan and lived in the Boston area most of her adult life.  She was a veteran and entrepreneur with a specialty in origami and computer science.  She had a fun sense of humor filled with folded puns.  Wensdy was a smart intellectual caring person.

With sadness in Wensdy Whitehead's departure, we show our gratitude to her life contribution at our Tribute-to-Wensdy Gallery.

See Below: Wensdy's basic gallery | Fold from her diagrams... almost 150 instructions | View her virtual presence ....including incredibly "Wensdy Whitehead's Origami Portfolio!"

Book Interest?  Her book, Wensdy Whitehead's Origami Portfolio, is available in print for the first time at the OrigamiUSA Convention on July 19-22, 2024, there for $11.95.  To request a copy, email Lisa and Lisa@OrigamiMuseum.org with the number of copies you would like.

Copyright Note: Distribute freely with credits required.

Wensdy Whitehead's Gallery

See the model titles with the categories of folds.

As illustrated below, here you may print Wensdy's tribute flyer.  Note, the memorial service has passed.  View Wensdy Whitehead’s Memorial Service from Saturday, November 11, 2023.


E-Books:  Heart Transplant Origami - UnfinishedStarry Space | Not Quite Traditional Origami

Shovel Folding: Shovel Folding AbstractShovel Folding Information

Card Suit Dishes: Club Dish | Diamond Dish | Heart Dish | Spade Dish

Fauna: Barn SwallowFish | Flapping Hummingbird | Flutterby | Gabby Guppy | Simple Crab | Spider (1x4)Swan Dish

Flora: Acorn | Acorn SquashCactusCactus Pencil Topper | Long-Stemmed Rose | PumpkinSugar PumpkinTulip

Heart Transplant Technique - Grafted Hearts: Heartfelt CraneHeart Letter Folds | Heart Shuriken | Heart StarHeart Star Dish | Heart StartsHeart Swan | Wingbeat of my Heart | Heart-Foot PajaritaLove BugMy Heart Soars | One Fold Heart | Spot: Puppy Love II | Shamrock Star Dish | Shamrock Star Dish Minus the Dish

Letters: EOS

Modulars: Double Heart CubeFlutterby Cube | Heart-to-Heart Cube | Iris | Piebald Pinwheel | Solid 3-4-5 Unit | Spinning Triangle | Starry Space

Numbers: American SevenClosed FourComputer Zero | Eight Infinity | European One | European SevenFive | Four | One | Pi | Gridding Dollars | Relative Paper SizesSix Nine | Thirteen | ThreeTwoTwo with LoopZero

Other Symbols: CapricornCartoon BombDreidel for Lisa | Glass Half Full | Heart 2 HeartPuppy LoveRadiation Symbol | Shamrock | Shamrock Condensed | Shot Through the Heart | Stick Figure | Pikipek (Pokemon)

Planet Symbols: Jupiter | MarsMercury | PlutoSaturn | Venus

Origami States of America: AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdaho | IllinoisIndianaIowa | KansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandWyoming

Storigami: Basketball Hoop StoryButterfly SquareButterfly StoryFlapping Butterfly StoryFlapping Hummingbird Story | Gabby Guppy Story | Pajarita StoryTraditional Jumping Frog | Traditional Water Bomb

Tools & Such: Adze | Anchor | Crayon | HoeHot Air Balloon | Sawhorse | Spade | Stop Sign Lollipop | Wooden Spool

Useful Items: Biz Card Case | Locking Tato Box | $ Paper-Clip Tray | Shallow DishYet Another Fancy Dish

Variations on Traditional: AbsoLiltly | Cicada on Leaf | Diamond Heart Crane | Wings of Love | Crane Star Dish | Crane with Aura | Crested Crane | Flapping Bird Wearing a Crane Costume | Longwinged Cicada | Starburst Dish | Supernova Dish

Words: BooFold (1x2)

Hand-Drawn Diagrammed Models

Diagrams Title List... psssst: Pottergami, Origami States of America, crane variations, tool series, and more origami!!! Available upon request.

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