NYC OrigamiUSA Convention - July 2024 

Sheration Times Square Hotel Convention details

Photo Gallery

View and enjoy... with highlights from OrigamiUSA's exhibition to the oversize folding contest, and Origami Museum folder's classes to other moments, we love to fold together!


Origami Museum managed by Lisa B. Corfman.  Origin: Worldwide: Colombia, Croatia, Israel, Spain and the USA, exhibiting from to OrigamiUSA.


Taught by Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez:

  1. Conceptual Origami - The Model's Subject Comes First
  2. Shadow Box and how I designed it
  3. Memo Pad Holder and the Practical Origami Challenge
  4. Connecting Card Pockets (ATCs)

Taught by Rachel Katz:

  1. Two Piece Shadow Box Frame | Creator Yuri Shumakov.

Taught by Lisa B. Corfman:

  1. Origami Museum Tutorial
  2. Yogami
  3. Wensdy: Reflect, Fold, Live On
  4. Soul in
  5. Balloon Folding

Taught by Marc Kirschenbaum:

  1. Exploring Math with Origami, co taught by Daniel Scher
  2. Tangram Set
  3. Pelican
  4. Cicada
  5. Ant
  6. Saber-Toothed Tiger

Models by Wensdy Whitehead:

  1. Love Bug taught by Stephen Buck
  2. Flapping Bird wearing Crane Costume taught by Faye Goldman
  3. Banknote Book taught by Aimee Miura
  4. Wrap It Up Locked Tato Box taught by Arlene Gorchov

Models by Marc Kirschenbaum:

  1. Cube in the class Origami and a square
  2. Pureland Horse in the class Los Caballos

Model by Paul Jackson:

  1. Sunburst Decoration taught by Deb Pun

Model by Laura Kruskal:

  1. Picture frame in the class Modular Book and Folds for 3 Years Old and Up

Shop the Source

Wensdy Whitehead's Origami Portfolio